- Band aids
- Bandages
- Medicine - Benadryl, Advil, etc.
- Antiseptic wipes
- Antibiotic ointment
- Tweezers
- Itch cream
- Gloves
- Ice pack
- Thermometer
- Tape
- Gauze
I can check the dollar store to see if I can find something for the girls to use as a kit or if anyone has any other ideas please let me know.
We also want to do something for the local Ronald McDonald house. There are some ideas floating around such as preparing a meal, making holiday cookies or gingerbread houses, or collecting donations. The girls just want to do something special so we still have to work that out.
Other ideas that are still being considered is doing something for the Syrian refugees and for NCAL. The how and what is still being worked out, but I don't want us to lose sight of either of these.
Adult planning meeting is scheduled for December 4th at 4 o'clock at The Cork.
Next Girl Scout meeting is scheduled for December 11th at 4 o'clock.
If anyone has any other times that they want to get together and do something please speak up. We can do more meetings, but with the holidays right now I know it can be difficult to get all of us together. Even if only some want to work on something then that is fine.
***Reminder: The girls need to find/research a woman who has done something important in history and then share this with the other girls at the next meeting. They can do a simple summary or prepare a presentation, whatever works for them. ***